Why Plaqtiv+?


Can Plaqtiv+ products cause digestive issues if they are ingested?

Studies of the Plaqtiv+ water additive have shown no evidence of adverse events related to consumption of the water additive, even at 5 times the recommended dose.

Can I use the Plaqtiv+ water additive if I have more than one pet in the house?

Yes – the Plaqtiv+ water additive can be used in multi-dog or multi-cat households, as well as households with both dogs and cats.

The Plaqtiv+ water additive is suitable for both animals. It is also used at the same concentration regardless of the pet’s size or breed. Small pets drink less, and so will naturally ingest less product than larger pets.

What happens to the Plaqtiv+ water additive if the water isn’t changed or is left in the sun? Is it still safe?

Sunlight has no effect on the active ingredients of Plaqtiv+.

There is no limit on how long water containing the Plaqtiv+ water additive can be left out, although it’s best to change your pet’s water everyday.

What if my pet drinks more/less than 600ml of water a day?

The Plaqtiv+ water additive should always be administered in the correct ratio (20 ml per 600 ml of water). If your pet drinks more/less water, more/less water additive should also be given accordingly (e.g. 40ml of water additive in 1200ml of water, or 10ml of water additive in 300ml of water)

Why is the spray only recommended for use in dogs?

This is because some cats may react to the mint contained in the spray. However, the concentration has been greatly reduced in comparison to the original product, so this effect will be minimal.

My pet is on a dental diet. Why do I need additional home dental care products?

While pets on a special diet get a certain amount of home dental care, the food will only affect the teeth used for chewing (i.e. premolars and molars). Therefore, it is still useful to use other products, for example, a water additive, in order to reach the other teeth as well. Furthermore, dental diets may not be suitable for all pets (e.g. kidney patients, liver patients, hypoallergenic animals, etc.)

Can my pet with existing medical conditions use these products?

Please speak to your vet about using Plaqtiv+ if your pet has existing medical conditions that you are concerned about.